fitness nutrition shop

Sports Nutrition is an excellent way to optimize your training success

Sports foods are nutritional supplements such as protein, weight gainer, amino acids and creatine products. No matter what your goal, whether fast or muscle mass gain or simply weight loss, with sports food products from us, you are always right.

Definition of dietary supplements:

Nutritional supplements are a relatively new product group between medicines and food. Legally, they belong to the food, and thus they fall in Germany under the regulations of the Food and feed Code (LFGB). The permitted ingredients are listed in Annex 1 of the food supplements Regulation (NemV). The composition and application areas differ depending on the region of origin. In the USA, for example, many products as food supplements available in Germany to the medicines. Nutritional supplements may in Germany according to the law no therapeutic benefit.

Legally, this product group in EU law by Directive 2002/46/EC. In particular the allowable minerals and vitamins provided. In this based food supplements regulation is a food supplement

"A food which
Is destined to the general nutritional supplement
A concentrate of nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect, alone or in composition, and
Dose form, in particular in the form of capsules, lozenges, tablets, pills and other similar forms, powder bags, liquid ampoules, bottles drop and similar forms of liquids and powders for inclusion in odmerjenih small quantities in the market. "
Sensible ingredients are minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, but overdoses in individual cases, eg In some vitamins, even harmful. For all other ingredients, e.g. Creatine, L-carnitine, L-glutamine, it has not been scientifically possible to the needs and benefits of an additional supply to occupy. Disease statements and indications are, as for other foods, is not permitted.

Doping contamination of supplements

An international study by the IOC-sponsored by the Institute of Biochemistry at the German Sports University in Cologne has shown that approximately 15 percent in 13 different countries acquired food supplements anabolic steroids (mainly Prohormone) contained that are not specified on the package. In Germany, contained about 11 percent of the tested food supplements banned anabolic steroids. The anabolic steroids are likely to impurities that have no doping effect, but unintentionally to positive doping findings may lead. This represents both athletes, especially athletes, but also producers of food supplements before a problem.

A balanced diet is the best basis for sporting success!

The concept of a nutritional fitness athlete or Body Builders is basically the everyday eating habits of a normal consumer.

Is it in a healthy and meaningful "sports nutrition" matter, according to athletic orientation, some personal goals. The athlete must have a special diet (diet = Greek way of life) obligations, thus feeding accordingly to his athletic performance. Precisely who intensive sport or under stress, has an increased need for nutrients.
The promotion of muscle building, through intensive training and optimal nutrition is the whole secret. The athletes must be the one to train adequately, and the eat what his personal goals necessarily requires. So you need to build muscle protein food, whether in the form of meat or as a protein powder. How big is the actual need of protein for each one depends on the efficiency and intensity of the training of the athlete and can be individually different. As a benchmark for Hantelsportler, 2 grams protein per kilogram of body weight per day to be. Of course, it is also necessary energy metabolism adapted to the training. As a supplier of the energy act carbohydrates. The optimal management of the energy metabolism can be linked to the consumption kohlenhydratreicher dietary supplements practice. This is especially important for an effective training and also for rapid regeneration. There are so-called Weight Gainer recommended. Weight Gainer combinations are mixtures of high-quality protein and carbohydrates.
Also we should not ignore that fat as an energy source and as a supplier of fat-soluble vitamins in the diet in mind. Because of the additional requirements for an athlete of micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements is also increased. Causes of this are the strong fluid loss (including welding loss) and the enhanced metabolism by the increased physical activity of the athlete.
For the energy needs of every human being fats and carbohydrates play an important role. Fats provide not only energy but also contain essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Protein / protein for muscle building enormously important, but also serve as an energy supplier.

Nutrition is the intake of dietary substances which an organism to build his body, to maintain his vital functions and making certain benefits in different life situations. Nutrition is a precondition for the preservation of life of every living organism.
Among human nutrition is the care of people with food in the form of food and benefit funds.

The human nutrition serve raw, cooked or otherwise prepared, fresh or canned food. Malfunctions of food intake as eating disorders.

Nutrition forms

In the first place, what is man eats, as he prepared (cooking) and to be adopted (eating habits), and also what he did not eat (food taboo), from its habitat and its culture dependent, and that strong regional differences subjected. Despite the sometimes extreme variations of the traditional regional cuisines, the need for nutrients is usually covered. A single "correct" form of food it can not give.

Since but especially in the industrialized countries, the diet from the traditional forms wegentwickelt and by the increase in sedentary activities of the lifestyle and so the calorie and nutrient needs total change, there is today for many people is a mismatch between demand and nutrient diet. Therefore, the question of the "right" diet depending on the way of life by the Dietetics scientifically researched.

In particular, the increase in diseases of civilisation, among other influences of a modern attributed to malnutrition. This has meant that there is now a vast variety of opinions, theories and teachings on the "right" diet, such as the theories of the whole diet, the raw-teaching, the diet after the 5 elements of the traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda teaching, macrobiotics (food science from the perspective of yin and yang), the separation food-teaching, the Stone Age diet, and many more. The answers to the question of a "right" nutrition are often ideologically influenced.

The German Society for Nutrition has formulated dietary rules, as full-nutrition ".

Increasingly common, the food, pharmaceutical and food supplement industry brochures and Internet information on nutrition issues.

Shortages and malnutrition

Does a diet does not meet the requirements of the human organism, we speak of miscarriage or malnutrition. The terms are often uneven and sometimes used synonymously. Most malnutrition means that one or more food ingredients in the wrong quantity consumed, for example, Too fat or too vitaminarme food, while malnutrition among understands that the energy or calories needs of the body not covered. Combinations of both disorders.

Causes of shortages and malnutrition can famine by harvest failures, war or disasters and diseases, as well as in industrialized countries, especially an unbalanced diet by a lack of knowledge about healthy diets and bad eating habits. Here plays the large supply of industrial hochkalorischer convenience foods with declining physical activity and the elimination of eating as a social, mostly ritual familiengebundenes a role.

However, there is also a large number of diseases, especially the so-called diseases of civilization, for the discussion, whether the diet at least co. A scientific proof of this assumption, there are only a very few diseases. In general, relationships between diet and disease, methodically conditionally, difficult to prove.

Healthy food

Contains all the necessary food components (see above)

Contains the ingredients in a meaningful composition (eg kaloriengerechte amount of carbohydrates, proteins / fats and proteins)
Is balanced (a bit of everything)
Contains enough liquid
After harvest or slaughter immediately processed and consumed
Contains the ingredients in their natural form
Contains no unhealthy levels of bacteria and pollutants

Excerpt from Wikipedia